Kolme minuti loengute konkurss | Usha Dahal - “Health and well-being of residents in Ida-Viru County: Dirty industry or clean transition, which is worse?”

Klipi teostus: UTTV 02.10.2024 21 vaatamist

2. oktoobril 2024 toimus Tartu Ülikooli doktorantide kolme minuti loengute konkurss. Loe konkursi kohta lähemalt ülikooli kodulehelt: https://ut.ee/et/kolme-minuti-loengute-konkursid
The Three Minute Thesis competition for the University of Tartu doctoral students was held on 2 October 2024. Read more about the competition on the university's website: https://ut.ee/en/3-minute-thesis-competitions