prof Mark Franklin "Stimulus, response and turnout variations at a European Parliament election"

Klipi teostus: UTTV 23.10.2012 4127 vaatamist avalik loeng Riigiteadus

Loengu korraldas Tartu Ülikooli Riigiteaduste instituudi võrdleva poliitika õppetool ning seda kaasrahastab Käitumis-, sotsiaal- ja terviseteaduste doktorikool. Loeng toimus inglise keeles ning selle lühikokkuvõte on järgmine: Elections to the European Parliament (EP) have virtually no salience in their own right. These are elections at which no executive is elected, no government is at stake and, while the composition of the European Parliament undoubtedly matters for the governance of the European Union, parties do not campaign at EP elections by putting forward differing platforms of promises regarding what the parliament would do if their party were to “win”. What salience these elections acquire comes from their use as “barometers” signaling what would happen if the election were a national election at which real government power was at stake.

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