Process mining: learning from the past to improve the future in business process management

Klipi teostus: Mirjam Paales 16.10.2013 3163 vaatamist Arvutiteadus

Fabrizio Maria Maggi, PhD

Research Fellow, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science

Process mining: learning from the past to improve the future in business process management

Abstract: Process mining can be seen as the "missing link" between data mining and business process management. Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from data logs commonly available in today's information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve business processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. In this talk I will introduce the three main branches of process mining: process discovery, conformance checking, and process enhancement. All these techniques aim at analysing past executions of business processes to improve future performances. I will conclude my discussion by spelling out open challenges that a! re still to be addressed in this young discipline.