Structuring business process models: methods and applications

Klipi teostus: Mirjam Paales 17.10.2013 6336 vaatamist Arvutiteadus

Lecturer: Luciano Garcia Banuelos

Mainstream notations for business process modeling are mainly graph oriented. In this context, a process model is said well-structured if every flow-diverging node (split) can be paired with a flow-converging node (join) forming a single-entry single-exit sub-graph. As for other disciplines, well-structuredness is often considered a desirable property. For instance, there exists empirical evidence showing that well-structured business process models are easier to comprehend and less error-prone. Moreover, an important number of analysis techniques work only with well-structured process models.

My talk will review my contributions to the area of business process management and, more specifically, to the problem of structuring process models and to the leverage of structuring and structure-awareness in the analysis and management of process models. First, I will describe a method for structuring acyclic process models and some thoughts about the complete solution for the general case. I will continue by presenting the application of structuring to the problem of aggregate computation of QoS of service orchestrations. Finally, I will present some techniques for the identification of model clones within collections of process models.