prof. William Westerman
"Museums as a Space for the Inclusion of Refugees, and Other Experiments in Multiculturalism"

Klipi teostus: UTTV 06.10.2015 7354 vaatamist Folkloristika

prof. William Westerman (New Jersey Linna Ülikool, USA) TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakonnas loengu "Museums as a Space for the Inclusion of Refugees, and Other Experiments in Multiculturalism".
Prof. William Westerman on tunnustatud folklorist, kelle mitmete uurimishuvide hulka kuuluvad ka rahvakunst, kodanikualgatused ja migratsioon. Ta on teinud ulatuslikku koostööd sisserändajate ja pagulate kogukondadega Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Euroopas ning kureerinud näitusi erinevates muuseumides.
Dr. Westermani visiiti Eestisse toetab Ameerika Ühendriikide suursaatkond Tallinnas.
The current European refugee "crisis" has opened up discussion of immigration in Europe that are fascinating to those on the other side of the Atlantic. This paper looks at the roles that museums can play and are playing in countries whose identity is based on a tradition of immigration, such as the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Earlier views and programs that incorporated multiculturalism tended to put immigrant and ethnic cultures on display in ways that served to promote tolerance while paradoxically reinforcing distance and exoticism. 
Nonetheless, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of recent immigrants and refugees has provoked discussion of longtime, sometimes multi-generational immigrant communities in France and Germany, and questions of social, cultural, and economic integration. This paper does not intend to discuss the current European climate, but in fact argues that museums are cultural spaces that can be used for more than just exotic displays. For museums and communities interested in working with refugee communities, in particular, the paper considers ways that the museum's mission, actions, and relations with a more inclusive public can be redefined.

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