Charlotte Hagström (Lundi Ülikool, Rootsi) “Wheels of Change. Reflections on Doing Applied Cultural Analysis at Lund University”

Klipi teostus: UTTV 07.10.2015 3336 vaatamist Kultuuriteadus ja kunstid

Külalislektor etnoloog Charlotte Hagström (Lundi Ülikool, Rootsi) Tartu Ülikooli kultuuriteaduste ja kunstide instituudis.
Bicycle is not just related to doing sports or getting from the point A to B. Cycling is culture, even more – it is a variety of cultures at different times and places. In her lecture Charlotte Hagström uses examples from different projects on cycling cultures in order to discuss some of the similarities and differences between working with applied cultural analysis and ethnology. She reflects upon experiences and challenges that emerge from applied research projects carried out by herself and by students in Lund.

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