Kultuuriderikas Tartu / Tartu - Rich in Cultures
Pakistan Culture Evening

Klipi teostus: Mikhail Starikov, Narva Kutseõppekeskus 07.04.2016 3831 vaatamist Varia

Kultuuriõhtu keskendub Pakistanile. Võõrustajateks on TÜ töötajad ja üliõpilased Pakistanist koos TÜ personaliosakonna ja Tartu loodusmaja inimestega – tutvustatakse mitmekesist kultuuri, kombeid ning etnilisi riideid. Näha saab pilte põnevatest kultuuri- ja loodusvaatamisväärsustest. Kultuuriprogrammi osaks on ka suupisted ning Pakistani tee (chai). Kes soovib, saab selga proovida ning lasta end fotole jäädvustada Pakistani rahvuslikes riietes.
This event will introduce the traditions, culture, and ethnic wear of Pakistan and offer a glimpse of interesting tourism and nature locations across the country. The event will take place in the Tartu Nature House at Lille 10, Tartu, on 7 April at 18:30 and is hosted by the UT staff and students from Pakistan, together with UT Personnel Office and Tartu Nature House. You will have the chance to learn interesting things about the customs and traditions of Pakistan. The event will also include an “Ethnic-wear cottage”, where you will have the unique opportunity to drape yourself in traditional Pakistani getup and have your photo taken. You will be offered some traditional Pakistani food and chai.

Lisainfo veebis: https://sisu.ut.ee/culturerich/pakistan-742016