ECPR Graduate Student Conference 2016
Roundtable - How to get Published

Klipi teostus: UTTV 12.07.2016 9940 vaatamist Riigiteadus

This roundtable will focus mainly on publishing in international academic journals. It will address issues such as how to choose a journal, how to deal with peer reviews, how to reckon with long delays. It will encompass both scholars who have published numerous peer-reviewed articles as well as those who have served as journal editors.

Prof. Eiki Berg,
University of Tartu: Professor of International Relations at the Skytte Institute of Political Studies. He has published nearly 30 international journal articles, including in Journal of International Relations and Development, International Studies Perspectives, Geopolitics, Nations and Nationalism, Cooperation and Conflict and Europe-Asia Studies. He will address differences in area studies journals vs disciplinary journals as well differences across sub-fields.
Prof. Christian Welzel,
Leuphana University Lüneburg: Over the last 20 years Christian Welzel has published over 60 journal articles in a wide range of journals and in both English and German. He will focus on what it takes to get into the very top journals as well as cross-cultural differences in how publishing works.
Carlos Closa Montero,
Research Area Director at the Global Governance Program, European University Institute, Professor Montero is co-editor of the European Political Science Review. He will speak on how a journal editor screens manuscripts, recruits reviewers and communicates with authors.

Moderator prof Vello Pettai

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