On-Demand Machine Reasoning for The New Cyber Security - Vesal Vojdani (venia legendi)

Klipi teostus: Ahti Saar 30.11.2017 2467 vaatamist Arvutiteadus

A brief summary of 2017: Cyber Security is broken; Software Engineering has failed.
In order to materialize the New Cyber Security, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NISTIR 8151) outlines five key approaches, the foremost being a formal method they call "sound static analysis". In this talk, I will describe what this is and outline our plan to popularize formal methods through sound interactive analysis. The key challenge is devising algorithms for on-demand machine reasoning, so that we can bring formal methods into familiar integrated development environments. 
I will not assume familiarity with artificial intelligence techniques for precise inference; instead, I hope this talk can serve as an introduction to the field of sound machine reasoning, which is the foundation of the New Cyber Security.