Experimental semiotics: Social experiments on meaning and structure
Dr. Gareth Roberts

Klipi teostus: UTTV 28.08.2018 6529 vaatamist Filosoofia ja semiootika

Dr Gareth Roberts (Pennsylvania University) will give a guest seminar on experimental semiotics (Experimental semiotics: Social experiments on meaning and structure).
Gareth Roberts has for a while been developing innovative experiments that would allow the evolution and change of language and other sign systems to be studied. This approach has come to be known as experimental semiotics (see his 2012 review article) and has come to gather a growing literature.
Moderated by Peeter Tinits

Lisainfo veebis: https://www.flfi.ut.ee/et/uudised/28-augustil-annab-dr-gareth-roberts-pennsylvania-ulikool-kulalisseminari