Jason Baird Jackson "Theories of Material Culture"

Klipi teostus: UTTV 28.09.2018 2984 vaatamist Etnoloogia Folkloristika

In the second session, the focus will be a survey of theoretical perspectives relevant to the study of material culture within the ethnographically-oriented disciplines. As a prelude to later investigations by course participants, a wide range of perspectives will be introduced briefly. The session will conclude with a somewhat more elaborated account of the primary approach to material culture studies now active in North American folkloristics. This dormant perspective reflects the communication or performance focus characteristic of North American folkloristics more generally.

HVKU.03.025 Materiaalne kultuur ja muuseum

Lisainfo veebis: https://www.flku.ut.ee/et/uudised/jason-baird-jacksoni-loengukursus-materiaalne-kultuur-muuseum-septembris-oktoobris-2018