Jason Baird Jackson "Practices in Museum Ethnology"

Klipi teostus: Kätlin Luht & TÜ etnoloogia osakond 04.10.2018 1277 vaatamist Etnoloogia Folkloristika

The third session will characterize the practice of museum ethnology by scholars who are both based in museums and those who, while employed in other kinds of institutions, take museums and their collections as a special focus. What does a museum anthropologist, a museum-minded folklorist, or a museum ethnologist do? Why do they do what they do? What are the broader implications of this kind of work? How do such museum scholars contribute to the larger work of their field(s)? These questions will animate this session.

Lisainfo veebis: https://www.flku.ut.ee/et/uudised/jason-baird-jacksoni-loengukursus-materiaalne-kultuur-muuseum-septembris-oktoobris-2018