Fourth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies.
Communities in Flux: Rethinking Sovereignty and Identity in an Era of Change 
Keynote Address: Prof Nancy Condee - "Wishful Thinking: The End of Sovereignty in Postcommunism’s Third Decade (2009–2019)"

Klipi teostus: UTTV 10.06.2019 5107 vaatamist Riigiteadus Sotsioloogia ja sotsiaalpoliitika

Nancy Condee, University of Pittsburgh
Nancy Condee is Director of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (University of Pittsburgh), one of eleven federally-funded research centers in the US. She is also Professor of Slavic and Film Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Her publications include Imperial Trace: Recent Russian Cinema (Oxford), which won the 2011 MLA Scaglione Prize and the 2010 Kovács Book Award (Society for Cinema and Media Studies); The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov, co-edited with Birgit Beumers (Tauris); Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity (Duke) and Soviet Hieroglyphics (British Film Institute). Her articles have appeared in The Nation, The Washington Post, October, New Left Review, PMLA, Sight and Sound, as well as such Russian journals as NLO, Seans, Voprosy literatury, and Iskusstvo kino. She has worked as a consultant for the Library of Congress, the Edinburgh Film Festival, and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) on several Frontline television documentaries.
The 2019 Tartu Conference is organized by the UT’s Centre for EU–Russia Studies (CEURUS) in cooperation with the Institute of Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University and the Global Europe Centre at the University of Kent. 

Moderator Viacheslav Morozov

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