Physicum seminar A K Mishra "Bio-inspired Methods for Sensing"
Amit Kumar Mishra (University of Cape Town)

Klipi teostus: Nils Austa 27.01.2020 5017 vaatamist Füüsika ja astrofüüsika

Bio-inspired Methods for Sensing & Instrumentation

Biosphere has tremendous potential to inspire engineers and scientists in exploring interesting avenues and in innovating unique solutions. In this talk, the presenter shall discuss some of his past work, all of which have the common factor of being inspired by biological systems. He shall also discuss some of his proposals for the new Computational Imaging Group.

Amit Kumar Mishra is currently a full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, at the University of Cape Town (#136 as per THES 2020 Ranking). He did his PhD in the University of Edinburgh in 2006 and has worked in three continents so far. He works mainly in the domain of radar system design, applied machine learning and bio-inspired AI. He has authored/co-authored more than 40 journal papers and has invented six patents.

Physicumi seminarid on mõeldud füüsikute ja materjaliteadlaste, aga ka teiste loodus- ja täppisteadlaste laiale ringile (alates bakalaureuse astme üliõpilastest) ning püüavad avada seda, mis mingis valdkonnas on parasjagu oluline ja uudne või kuhu teatud uurimissuund on tänaseks välja jõudnud.

Kõik huvilised on teretulnud.