Physicum seminar:"Ukrainian scientists and their contribution to physics and engineering"

Klipi teostus: Nils Austa 07.04.2022 2950 vaatamist Füüsika ja astrofüüsika

.Physicum seminar about Ukrainian scientists aims to draw attention and emphasize the importance of the Ukrainian contribution to the physics and engineering both in history and modern times, and to show the devastating effects of war on Ukrainian science. The seminar will provide brief introduction to a number of well-known physicists and engineers related to Ukraine and the research in our university carried out by researchers of Ukrainian origin.

•    Manuel Hohmann (UT Institute of Physics) - The historical role of Kharkiv in theoretical physics and the science of the cosmos
•    Vitalii Checha (UT Tartu Observatory) – Stellar pulsations
•    Iaroslav Iakubivskyi (UT Tartu Observatory) – Sergei Korolev, a dominant figure in rocket science and spacecraft design
•    Indrek Jõgi (UT Institute of Physics) - Julius Edgar Lilienfeld and his contribution to solid-state electronics
•    Maksym Golub (UT Institute of Physics)– Approaches to model SANS/SAXS data of proteins in solution
•    Volodymyr Gulik and Oleksandr Trofymenko (UT Institute of Physics and Institute of Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, Kyiv, Ukraine) – Safety research related to fusion and fission reactors
•    Leonid Dolgov (UT Institute of Physics) – Experience of Raman and luminescent low temperature spectroscopies in partnership with Institute of Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine

The Physicum seminars are meant for a broad auditorium of physicists and materials scientists, as well as for interested people from other natural and exact sciences (including bachelor level students) and aim at introducing what is important and new in a certain field, or where a specific research direction has reached today.