Kocku von Stuckrad "The Colonial Invention of Animism" (Animismi kolonialistlik leiutamine)

Klipi teostus: UTTV 07.11.2023 309 vaatamist Usuteadus

Euroopa animismid: Paulsoni loengud religiooniuuringutes

Rahvusvaheliselt hinnatud religiooniuurija Kocku von Stuckrad peab novembris Tartus kolm avalikku Paulsoni loengut. Kocku von Stuckrad on eriti tuntud uurimustega Lääne esoteerikast ja diskursiivsest religiooniuurimisest.

Lisaks kuulub tema uurimisvaldkonda religiooni, teaduse ning filosoofia ajalugu Euroopas ja Põhja-Ameerikas.

The concept of animism is deeply rooted in colonial structures. Introduced by the British anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1871) as the belief in the animation of nature and the existence of spirits, colonial religious studies imagined animism as a ‘failed ontology.’ This ‘primitive religion’ could be found outside of Europe, mainly in Indigenous, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions, but also in segments of European societies that seemed to be untouched by the project of rational, disenchanted European modernity. The lecture situates the early discourse on animism in an ambiguous European setting that is torn between fascination and rejection of animism and related trends in religion and philosophy