Kolme minuti loengute konkurss | III Mahvish Faisal – “Sensory Disturbances in Parkinson’s disease: The Role of Levodopa and Vitamin B12”

Klipi teostus: UTTV 02.10.2024 61 vaatamist

2. oktoobril 2024 toimus Tartu Ülikooli doktorantide kolme minuti loengute konkurss. Ingliskeelsel konkursil pälvis kolmanda koha bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi farmakoloogia nooremteadur Mahvish Faisal.
Loe konkursi kohta lähemalt ülikooli kodulehelt: https://ut.ee/et/kolme-minuti-loengute-konkursid
The Three Minute Thesis competition for the University of Tartu doctoral students was held on 2 October 2024. The third place of the English competition was Junior Research Fellow in Pharmacology at the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine Mahvish Faisal.
Read more about the competition on the university's website: https://ut.ee/en/3-minute-thesis-competitions