4th ESIL Research Forum
Panel 13: International Law and Center-Periphery Dynamics

28.05.2011 4794 vaatamist konverents Õigusteadus

Panel 13: (Office of Chancellor of Justice, Left) International Law and Center-Periphery Dynamics Chair: Thomas Skouteris, American University of Egypt Panelists: 1.Umut Özsu, University of Toronto, "An Enterprise Neither European nor Non-European: Litigating the Greek-Turkish Population Exchange before the World Court" 2. Sarah Nouwen, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge "The Role of the International Criminal Court in Centre-Periphery Struggles" 3. Mark Toufayan, University of Ottawa, "Imperialism, Humanitarianism, and the "Armenian Question" in Interwar International Legal Imagination"

Lisainfo veebis: http://www.esil2011.ut.ee/