Prof. Jaan Valsiner DYNAMIC MODELS FOR SEMIOSIS -4: Where Semiotics and Psychology Meet

Klipi teostus: UTTV 12.04.2012 8644 vaatamist õppevideo Filosoofia ja semiootika Psühholoogia

Seminar 4, video conference:
Clark University, USA; University of Tartu; Tallinn University
Doctoral program of semiotics, Department of Semiotics of the University of Tartu in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology of Tallinn University The course takes place through a series of 5 videoconferences. The expected outcome of the work of the participants is a manuscript (fitted for publication in their research area) that takes the dynamic semiotic psychology perspective to their individual fields. The drafts of these manuscripts will be discussed in the final seminar on April, 26th, 2012. The working language of the seminars is English, with occasional outbursts of affect in other languages that are accessible—or nearly so—to the participants.

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