VI Autumn Conference of the CECT
Plenary lecture - Dr. Katharine Young (University of California, Berkeley/San Francisco State University)
"The mimetic series of the body: Narrative, memory, and time in somatic psychology"

Klipi teostus: UTTV 31.10.2013 12575 vaatamist Kultuuriteadus ja kunstid Psühholoogia Folkloristika

Chair: Katrin Alekand (University of Tartu)

Dr. Katharine Young (independent scholar, visiting lecturer at UC Berkeley & San Francisco State University)
Katharine Young is an independent scholar, writer, and visiting lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and San Francisco State University, USA, in the fields of folklore, anthropology, and rhetoric. She has turned from early work on the phenomenology of narrative and the phenomenology of the body to research on folklore and aesthetics, the anthropology of the senses, and the film body. She is currently studying the relationship between gestures and narrative, body image, space, interiority, consciousness, volition, thought, emotion, memory, and time in somatic psychology. She is the author of books Bodylore (1995), Presence in the Flesh (1997) and Taleworlds and Storyrealms : The Phenomenology of Narrative (1986).

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