Video by: UTTV 23.09.2014 7394 views Medicina Medical science Biology

BBMRI-LPC (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure - Large Prospective Cohorts)* is one of the largestbiobanking networks in Europe aiming to facilitate scientists' access to large prospective study sets on human health and disease. As multinational research projects are often complicated by sample and data sharing difficulties due to limited resources, as well as by country specific legal and ethical procedures, BBMRI-LPC is set to help. By improving harmonization, providing solutions for transnational access and networking, BBMRI-LPC will increase the utilization of large sample collections in research on human health. In practice, BBMRI-LPC project aims to unite the large prospective study sets in Europe, and tune them up for groundbreaking science by improving the harmonization of collected samples and data facilitate collaborative transnational research by providing access to biobanked samples and data for researchers working in academia and industry provide a networking platform that connects the already established and new emerging biobanks Ultimately, BBMRI-LPC helps the research community to improve the understanding of human biology, and assists the European health industry in mission to find better and novel treatments and medicines for common and rare diseases.

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