Prof. Eric Lander
"Genetic Basis of Human Disease: The past and future of genomic medicine"

Video by: UTTV 12.12.2014 19518 views Realia et naturalia Biology

Prof. Eric Lander on maailma juhtivamaid ning mõjukamaid genoomika eksperte, Broad Instituudi (The Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) asutaja ja juht ning USA presidendi Barack Obama teadus- ja tehnoloogia nõunike grupi kaasesimees, MIT bioloogia professor Eric S. Lander. Prof. Lander on hariduselt matemaatik, kes on oma karjääri pühendanud inimgenoomi uurimisele. Ka oma ettekandes keskendub ta tänapäeva meditsiini ja geneetika seostele.
Rohkem infot professor Landeri kohta leiab Broad instituudi kodulehelt.

Eric Steven Lander is a Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), former member of the Whitehead Institute, and founding director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard who has devoted his career to realizing the promise of the human genome for medicine. He is co-chair of U.S. President Barack Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
For more information about Professor Lander, see the home page of the Broad Institute.

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