The inaugural lecture by Robert Krimmer
„Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: How to build our digital future“
(„Avaliku sektori digipööre. Kuidas ehitada meie digitaalset tulevikku?“)

Video by: UTTV 16.09.2021 7622 views Socialia Government and Politics

Digital is the new gold. Without the digital transformation, our lives would have looked quite different in the last 18 months: ordering groceries for home delivery, organizing the classroom-call for your children for their home-school, even voting online quickly turned from a commodity to a necessity. Digital has moved from the exception to the norm.
Digitaalsus on uus kuld. Ilma digipöördeta oleks meie elu viimase pooleteise aasta jooksul olnud vägagi teistsugune: toidukaupade kojutellimine, kaugõppel oleva lapse veebitundide korraldamine, isegi internetis hääletamine on lühikese ajaga muutunud igapäevaseks vajaduseks. Digiteenused pole enam erand, vaid normaalsus.

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