European Union in global context. Lecture 4. EU as a unitary or fragmented actor

Klipi teostus: Evar Saar 01.03.2011 15281 vaatamist õppevideo Riigiteadus

Concerning the recent economic turmoil with several European countries (the so called PIGS - Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) and the increasing questions about border security and migrants flow towards Europe, what is next in the EU's agenda to save what has been created over time? Do we need a security or military task force to backup the diplomatic services or can we just depend on NATO and the United Nations? What about the financial stress that Europe is undertaking globally because of the struggling countries is it possible to save them or the logical approach is to let this crisis fade out like the terrorism threat? In this lesson it is questioned whether or not it is viable to benefit from the lowering of life standards in the debt affected countries, something that will lead to lower labour costs and generate a great deal of interest from German and French companies? This are the pending questions where the EU as to have a common voice.