European Union in global context. Lecture 5. Imperial/colonial heritage of member states' global ambitions

Klipi teostus: Evar Saar 08.03.2011 13758 vaatamist õppevideo Riigiteadus

The colonialist past of some European countries (like Portugal, Spain, UK and The Netherlands) is again today the object of their attention but in a different prism. Countries that centuries ago had colonies did not improve their nations from the products and man power that they acquired; instead they sent the best people to the colonies and received products in return not creating the development necessary in the long term to sustain the colonial empire they built. Nowadays the former colonies are their biggest and strongest economic allies and in a lot of ways the salvation board to get out of the economic emergency that is sinking them. So, should Europe embrace the financial help and long term partnerships with countries like Brazil, Venezuela, African Nations, etc? Or is it better not to be dependent on foreign help that can lead to a shift in European decision making processes and foreign economic policy? Another problem debated in this lesson is the ever-growing power of Russia and China in the international arena. The eastern European border countries have a long and difficult relationship with one of the most powerful nations in the world: Russia; but this country is one of our best allies and one that we cannot do without (e.g. Oil and gas supply). The same applies to China, fast developing their economy and buying European debt and properties at the same rate and with this helping Europe to get out of the economic crisis. But does this denote that EU can't have a united voice against the political and social wrong doings of these countries? Should we put aside our values and diplomacy strategies because we need their aid to survive or should we just rely on sanctions done by NATO and the United Nations? These are some of the issues raised and debated in this lesson.