Neil Thomas, Getting your Technology Closer to the Market - Startups & Collaboration/Out-Licensing​ with Industry

Video by: UTTV 31.03.2015 5973 views

This seminar will explore the potential routes by which university results and innovation can be commercially exploited to increase the impact of your research and the income of your research group. Themes covered will include innovation protection, industrial partner searching, technology licensing, collaboration models and options for starting up a specialist company to develop the product further before commercialisation. The seminar will include a Q&A session where members of the University Technology Transfer Unit can provide some initial advice and guidance.


Neil Thomas on biotehnoloogia ekspert, kel on suurepärased teadmised intellektuualomandist, litsenseerimisest ja teaduse viimisest tööstusesse. Neil töötas TÜs Tartu Ülikooli ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli intellektuaalomandi kaitse ja kommertsialiseerimise süsteemi tõhustamine väliseksperdi kaasamise teel asukohaga Tartus (VE Tartu) projekti raames, mida rahastas Euroopa Sotsiaalfond. Projekti kestvus 01.04.2012 kuni 31.03.2015