17th Annual Conference of the EASR -  “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions”
Keynote Lecture 4:
Lotte Tarkka – Vernacular Mythic Imagination – Representing Emergent and Other Worlds in Finnic Oral Poetry

Video by: UTTV 27.06.2019 10480 views Theology

The 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) takes place at the University of Tartu this summer. The conference is organized by the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with the School of Theology and Religious Studies and the Institute of Cultural Research of the University of Tartu.
Lotte Tarkka is Professor of Folklore Studies at the University of Helsinki. Her theoretical and methodological interests include oral poetics, theories of genre, intertextuality in oral poetry, processes of traditionalization and authorization, vernacular and mythic imagination, and reconstructive performance studies. She specializes in the study of Finnic oral traditions, especially poetry in the Kalevala-meter, Elias Lönnrot’s epic, the Kalevala, and Viena Karelian culture. She is the author of Songs of the Border People. Genre, reflexivity, and performance in Karelian oral poetry (2013).

Lisainfo veebis: https://easr2019.org/