4th ESIL Research Forum
Panel 14: The Role of International Lawyers in International Politics: the Life and Legacy of Friedrich (Fedor Fedorovich) Martens (1845-1909)

28.05.2011 15029 vaatamist konverents Õigusteadus

Panel 14: (Academy of Science) The Role of International Lawyers in International Politics: the Life and Legacy of Friedrich (Fedor Fedorovich) Martens (1845-1909) Chair: Bruno Simma, International Court of Justice Panelists: 1. Arthur Eyffinger, Huygens Institute, The Hague, "Friedrich Martens: Between Legal Theory and Political Imperative" 2. Andreas Müller, University of Innsbruck, "Martens' Work on "The Office of Consul and Consular Jurisdiction in the East"" 3. Rein Müllerson, Tallinn University, "In the Service of Two Masters - International Law and Empire (History and Today's Implications)" 4. Alexander Yukhno, Youth Bar Association of Russia, "Fedor Fedorovich Martens: a Path to Internationalism"

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