4th ESIL Research Forum
Panel 8: Cyber-Attacks and the Threshold to Use of Force in International Law: Rethinking Use of Force in International Relations

27.05.2011 16707 vaatamist konverents Õigusteadus

Panel 8 (Office of Chancellor of Justice, Left) Cyber-Attacks and the Threshold to Use of Force in International Law: Rethinking Use of Force in International Relations Chair: Thomas Wingfield, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Panelists: 1. Marco Benatar, Free University of Brussels, "Cyber Sanctions: Exploring a Blind Spot in the Current Legal Debate" 2. Tamás Lattmann, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest "Virtual battlegrounds: the Dream for International Law de lege ferenda, or the Nightmare of International Reality de lege lata? Thoughts About the Legal Consequences of Any Possible Qualification of IT-attacks" 3. Johann-Christoph Woltag, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, "Computer Network Operations Below the Level of Armed Force"

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