Koroonakonverents „Arukas kohanemine koroonaviirusega“
Teadusvideo. Interaktiivne õpiprogramm Häirekeskusele. Tiit Hennoste, eesti keele vanemteadur

Video by: Videal Productions OÜ 27.11.2020 13736 views

Palju enamat kui lihtsalt viirus: pandeemia sotsiaal-majanduslik mõju

The objectives of the ResPand project is to address how to ease the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, to identify the unexpected outcomes of political and healthcare decisions in the outbreak response, and to provide explanations of unfolding social dynamics by taking a multidisciplinary approach, with each objective lending to a strengthening and more holistic understanding of societal resilience. This includes analysis of governmental responses across Europe and their impacts on democratic governance, human behaviour and social dynamics in the EU; assessment of health systems in terms of resilience performance; exploration of the functioning of small and medium enterprises in times of the crisis by understanding national and regional business support programmes; investigation of ambiguous character of digital media for European communities and individuals during the pandemic that has placed our offline reality in much dependence on our online interaction.

Lisainfo veebis: https://koroonakonverents.ut.ee/